Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Ancients Portray Themselves part 2

  If you could take 5 objects with you to the afterlife what would they be?
If I could take five objects to the afterlife it would constitute a my Bible, my Boy Scout full class A uniform, my trumpet, my hiking boots, and lastly my American flag

What would those objects reveal about you to someone who discovered them in your tomb?
   When the diggers would finally unearth me they would find the Bible which found tell them that I'm a devout Christian. The Boy Scout uniform is next what they would find and that would tell them close to everything that I accomplished in scouting. It would tell them that this person devoted an extensive amount of time to go out achieve all this stuff in scouting. Thirdly they would find my trumpet which would tell them that I'm a musician. Hopefully since I was buried with it they might think I'm pretty good at it, but that is asking too much. Next they would find my hiking boots. I hopped that there is residue on the boots so that they could trace back where I've been on camping trips. That would be really cool so that they could know where I've been and get to know the outdoor man that I am. Lastly they would find my American flag that flew over the U.S. capitol. What this would tell them is that I dearly love my country. 

What misinterpretations might future archeologist make on the basis of those objects?
What future archeologist might misinterpret about the stuff they unearth in my tomb would be that the Bible could possibly significant to them that I am a pastor. The Boys of America may not even be a thing and so they might think that I'm a jihads for a radical group. The trumpet might be misinterpreted because they might think that I'm really a good player to have my intranet buried with me. The hiking boots might cause a misinterpretation because they could mistaken the boots for outside labor. Lastly they could find the big flag that I have and think that I served in war to earn the privilege of carrying the American Flag

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