Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Ancients Portray Themselves Part 1

1. What body parts most define us as humans?
   The body parts that define us as humans would be nothing external where you see it by looking at someone. Maybe the absence of an abundance of hair on our body. The big thing that distinguishes us from let's say gorillas would be the human brain. Our intellect is what defines us, because our ability to think complexly has pulled us away from other organisms to be where we are now as the ultimate ruler of earth and making life easier to live.

2. What body parts would they least want to live without?
   I believe that the body parts that are so crucial especially during this time period of prehistory considering the harshness of the environment and animals would be the reproductive and nursing body parts. This is what they would want to least live without.

3. What would they look like if they increased the size of their most significant parts and diminished the size of the others?
   There would be an obvious exaggeration of the reproductive parts, nursing parts, and the brain that would draw your attention to. An example of this exaggeration would be the sculpture of the tiny women with parts of her body exaggerated enough to understand that this could be a idol for the goddess of fertility. Here is a picture of what I would think they would look if the parts were exaggerated.

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