I play music. I'm actually apart of the Victoria Eat high School Marching band, concert band, and jazz band. I also sing in church. And from all these experiences I can say without a doubt that music is very powerful. When I'm playing music I hold the power to make you scared, sad, or exited. Music has a way of communicating with people beyond any border of language or culture as it goes straight to our subconscious. There we contemplate it. The same thing goes with art. I can see I certain type of painting of it shrike fear into my heart or any other type of emotion. Art can do a lot of different things in causing people to react. If you were driving by a bill board with the picture of a bruised and abused puppy on it you might decide to buy a puppy. Or you could see a picture of our armed forces and allow it to ring patriotism and pride in your body. So the range in which someone can react to a visual image is beyond constants and limits. There is absolutely no telling what someone might do when they see something.
Here is a picture I drew while listening to that song. I felt as if I should of used light, warm colors and not having so many points in the art work and make everything round and curved.
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