Saturday, August 27, 2016

Isenheim Alterpiece And Memorial Sheet for Karl Liebknect



   Just seeing the Isenheim Alterpiece for myself made me feel very reverent. I felt like I was close to God. And that is possibly how other might feel when they see this painting. It might renew and/or stir up that passion that they have for God. Just sitting and looking at this piece might cause people to metaphorically sit at the feet of Jesus and become devoted to serving him. They may feel inspiration just by looking at it. It is a very expressive piece and beautiful.

   When I saw the look on the people’s faces I couldn't help but feel the same way for a moment as their expressions transported me to a time in which I had that look. This art is a very provoking piece. You can't look at it without filling something inside of you. It might cause people to look at it a think back to when they lost loved ones in the war. It might cause people to ask if fighting is worth it and are we fighting in vain. On the other hand it might inspire people to rise up and go get their gun and fight whoever did this evil so that it might be righted.



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