Here is a comparison between king Menkaur and Queen vs. Greek Anavysos Kouros.
First of all what we find here is that the king sculpture was a specific art work as it was made to specially depict the king and his queen down to the slight details in the facial features. In comparison the Kouros is not a specific individual at all but an idealistic image of Greek youth and what to strive to. The Kouros could be a grave marker or even representative of a God. But what we see here is the function for the Egyptian King can pretty much be determined because of its place and what they believe in about worship and the afterlife. It can be argued that the Greek Kouros is more detailed because when you look at the hair and the eyes it is perfection and intricate. Both of these art works are classified as idealistic. They both represent the idealism about what a body should look like. Or pretty yet what the perfect body looks like. Another comparison would be the culture. During this time period in Egypt only the god-like pharaohs or their influential wives would be the only ones ever thought of to be in a sculpture. However in Greece the wealthy can have statues that stands for there son. Because of this difference in culture there must of been more statues in Greece. Lastly both of these statues are life-like in size.
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