Saturday, August 27, 2016

Egyptian Works

   In the King Menaura and Queen art work it is a straight up definition of idealistic. The pharaoh in Egypt during his reign was considered to be a God and so if you were making a statue of him when there would be no way that you would depict any type of blemish on his body. His body would be the absolute perfect body form that someone could have. This goes hand-to-hand with the traditionalism in their culture about revering the pharaohs as gods on earth. Also there is the naturalistic part of it were the person doing the sculpting wanted the pharaoh and his queen to look as human as possible in the proportionate of their body.
   Next there is the Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer from the book of the Dead. In this work of art we see a stylized work of art. There is no perfect human being depicted here. Stylized depicts in this painting the authors version and depiction of what the afterlife would be like. There is no actual way of knowing what the afterlife judgment day looks life but this gives a good idea. It is definitely not naturalistic since there is a god that has the head of a jackal and the body of a human. Also the heart eating monster is not natural since it has the head of a crocodile, body of a lion, and legs of a hippo. Because of its bizarreness it is a stylized. The only thing about this painting that would be idealized would be the fact that the priest's heart is not actually going to be eaten by the monster and the priest will have a good eternal afterlife. Because it is positive it could be idealistic in that aspect.
   Lastly the art work of Anavysos Kouros is Idealized because it depicts a perfect body for the youth of Greece. The body depicted here exemplifies a perfect body and so that is why it is idealized. The Greece culture during this time period was seeking to have a healthy fit youth. You can think back to the Spartas or the Olympics where each is seeking to have perfect body. This sculpture is also naturalistic because it gives a true depiction of what a human actually looks like and no abstracts or way off alien, exaggerated features. It is a true human. It is not stylized because of the true human form.

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