1. Describe a time when you were lost and how it felt?
A time that I was lost was when I was hiking in the back country in New Mexico. The map that my crew had been given didn't include all of the smaller trails on it. And so because of this we ended up taking a right turn to soon resulting in going down the wrong trail. Since we were lost we had to take a bearing and orient ourselves back unto the right trail. That experience made me feel disappointed in myself because I had gotten lost. I know the backcountry and I was mad with myself that my skills would not catch this and get lost.
2. Write the precise step by step directions from East High School to H.E.B. plus
From Victoria East High School I would get on the loop(Zac Lentz Pkwy) and head down the highway and turn left onto Salem St. After this I would pass over John Stockburger and reach Guy Grant St. later on. I would turn left unto Guy Grant and head down the street and then turn left into H.E.B. plus.
3. Do the same process as #2, but you cannot use street names. How would you describe to get there?
As I leave the Victoria East High School parking lot I would take a right turn heading north. I would continue down this road till it T'd off. After this I would head left to Northwest. Whenever I would see McCoy's I would head down that road which is just to the left of the building. I would continue down past Parkway Church on my left and car dealer on my right. On the other far corners near the intersection would be a Stripes and Bank. I would crossover the intersection and keep heading down till O would see Orr financing in the left and Chandler Elementary in the top right. I would head right down this road just right to the elementary school and then would turn left into H.E.B. plus on the road right after Chandler elementary.
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