Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Fear and Protectiveness

1. Describe a time when you experienced fear and wanted someone to protect you. Explain the feelings you had.
   A time that I experienced fear was when I was in the backcountry of New Mexico. In New Mexico I help teach a National Leadership course called National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience for the Boy Scouts. During the course we have an outpost night where we go out in the backcountry for a night. During this time there was a freak thunder storm. And some lighting struck down not to far from us. Before the lighting struck I really didn't take the thunderstorm as seriously because I've been through worse. But when a lighting bolt struck down really close to us I got really scared. I started taking all the metal off my body and throwing it far away from me. At that point I wanted some God protection. This was inspired because I realized how vulnerable we are. Are human bodies in the wilderness are so vulnerable.

2. Describe a time when you felt protective of someone or something. Explain those feelings
   To describe a specific time that I'm protective of my younger siblings would be many to chose from. I hold my younger siblings with high regard and I make sure that if there is something I can do to prevent them from harm then I will do it. I have taken it upon myself to stand out and protect my siblings as I see it as an obligation and duty as family and a older brother. So instead of describing one specific time I will combine all of them to say that I do every single moment of my life I am on call to protect my siblings. It isn't just one specific time. Because if I protected them at a specific time then there would be a time that I didn't protect them. Overall the feelings that I feel as a result of protecting my sibling was that of great pride and love because I do love them and that is why I take it so seriously to protect them.  

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