Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Nave Muesum Extra credit

Picture of me outside the Nave Museum

I really liked this little memorial set up for this young man, Sean Christopher Lewis, that died. It really pulled at me with emotion as I felt for this young man that died and his family. I liked what they did, but in all honesty I hated this memorial and liked it. It was not as festive as some of the others around and it was sad that such a young man could die. When I approached the table and looked at the pictures and read about him I got the impression that he was full of life and have that taken away from him by a muscular dieses was really depressing. I was really happy that they did this in remembrance of this young man. This whole festivity that was about to happen is really meant to celebrate the dead and keep their memory alive. I even know this guy or his family, but I still felt a deep sense of appreciation that they did this for him. 
Artist: Toni Ross
Name of Artwork: Sean Christopher Lewis
Time Period: 2016
Media: It is a variety of different personal objects that defined who he was like baseball caps and jerseys.
Physical Description: There are many of personal objects that belonged to the young man, and a statue of the young man in a wheel chair.

This one particularly caught my attention because of the festive colors all of the place. This memorial really signifies the essence of the celebration of the dead. Even though death is such a horrible depressing event, looking at this made my heart fill with joy. Each had objects that defined that person and gave the audience an idea about who this person was. And this is really why I liked it. The intricate detail to make each one of these probably did take some time, but it goes to show how much these people meant to the artist which is awesome.
Name of Artist: Ray Ortega
Name of the Artwork: Cinta's De Los Muertos
Time Period: 2016
Medium: Different object that were personally owned and used by the people that they are commemorating. Over materials included tensile, lights, paint, candles pictures, wood and paper decorations.

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