Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Longmen Buddhas vs. Bamiyan Buddhas

   Here is some similarities and differences between the Longmen Buddhas and Bamiyan Buddhas.
   Some similarities between the two would include that both of these are apart of the religion of Buddhism. Both of these are set in a geographical area in which it is set inside caves. Both of these have cave shrines and cave dwellings for the monks. Both of these area are geographically isolated.
   Some of the differences between these buddhas are that even though there are some geographical similarities there are also some differences. The geographical difference is that one is set in a valley in Afghanistan and the other was made on the banks of a big river. Another difference is the amount of statues. At the Bamiyan Buddhas there is only two great huge statues while at the Longmen Buddhas there are hundreds of buddhas. The main Buddha statue at Longmen is not as large as the main Buddha statue at Bamiyan. One historical difference between these two statues is that the Bamiyan Buddhas have received a more severe beating from human interaction. The Bamiyan have been hurt by humans going from Ghangis Khan to Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda actually destroyed the statues in Bamiyan. The Longmen Buddha statues on the other hand have not received any destruction to the statues.
   This concludes the comparison between the Longmen Buddhas and Bamiyan Buddhas.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought it ironic how the destruction of the Buddhas was a beautiful example of a central reminder in Buddhism: impermanence. In that way, the destruction was a great teaching. buddhashop
