Imagine you are creating a visual autobiography. List ten of your most powerful memories. For each, list specific images you would use to make the memories concrete and visible for others.
1. Eagle Scout Court of Honor- specific images would include me standing behind our church podium and giving my speech to everyone. I would also remember when Mr. Hallmark gave me my Hornaday Badge. Also I would remember shaking every body's hand that was so nice to come.
2. Summiting Mt. Baldy- I would distinctly describe how I could see for literally hundreds of miles in each direction. I also would remember how it was so windy up there that it had about 50 mile an hour winds on top. I would also remember and describe claiming Baldy for Texas
3. Summiting the Tooth of Time- I would describe how I took a nap right there off the edge of a two thousand foot drop. Claiming it for Texas. And lastly being able to be on top with the whole NAYLE staff group.
4. NAYLE staff- I would describe the camp that we stayed in and the activities that we did. I would also describe the long nights in preparation for the course and the presentations that I gave. I would describe how it felt awesome and how I got to see the changed look on people's faces as they went through this course.
5. Getting Baptized- Specific images would include the whole church looking at me, the baptism room, Brother Kight dunking me under the water, and lastly the chilly water.
6. Receiving the Holy Ghost- Being in front of the alter of the left side, raising my hands, speaking in another language, people praying for me, and people rejoicing when I got it. This are concrete details I would add.
7. One specific Marching Show in San Antonio that we Marched- The lights going out as soon as we got unto the field, The crowd roaring after we played because they loved it so much, the turf beneath my feet, and my band family would be what I would describe.
8. UIL concert and sight reading- Watching the judges stand up and clap for us which never happens, One judge writing that we restored his faith in humanity, the band all assembled in our arches, and Mr. Edge conducting us would be all the things that I would tell.
9. OPIK- I would make sure to describe the -20 degree weather, sleeping on a frozen lake in a igloo like shelter made of snow, skiing for the first time, dog sledding, and ice fishing.
10. Northern Tier- The crystal clear water, beaver dams, portaging, fighting 3 foot waves in a canoe and trying not to tip over, a woodsman named Patrick, and picking wild blueberries and raspberries are just some of the images I would show.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Reciprocity and Trade
In our culture, on what occasions do we expect that if we receive a gift, we should give a gift in return? What is the giver's reaction if giving isn't reciprocated?
In our American culture I think all gift giving occasions expect a gift back when a gift is given, except helping a family out when they have lost a love one. This would be taking the family meals during their time of grief. All other gift giving occasions such as Christmas, Birthday's, etc. expect a gift a gift when it their turn coming around. If a gift is not given back to the person that did give a gift there is a mixed response. Some people respond by a self kept disappointment while others might be a little open about it a back stab others not giving a gift back. This though is only a minority of people as gift giving is perceived as a kind present that doesn't require giving back a gift because it is not about getting something in return for your kindness but is about making the other person happy.
In our American culture I think all gift giving occasions expect a gift back when a gift is given, except helping a family out when they have lost a love one. This would be taking the family meals during their time of grief. All other gift giving occasions such as Christmas, Birthday's, etc. expect a gift a gift when it their turn coming around. If a gift is not given back to the person that did give a gift there is a mixed response. Some people respond by a self kept disappointment while others might be a little open about it a back stab others not giving a gift back. This though is only a minority of people as gift giving is perceived as a kind present that doesn't require giving back a gift because it is not about getting something in return for your kindness but is about making the other person happy.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
If there were one animal that you thought you might be in a parallel universe, what would it be? If you could combine your own body with parts of two or three other creatures, what would they be, and why? Draw your transformation and post sketch with post.
The one animal that I would be is a rhino. If I could combine my body with parts of two or three animals I would have the giant wings of a bald eagle, and the horned snout of a rhino. The reason why I would choice the wings of the bald eagle would be because I first feel as if the bald eagle is one animal that is intimate to me because not only does it represent freedom, which something I also want to display, but also I'm also an Eagle Scout and so it would be an outward display of who I am in the inside. I would chose the horned snout of a rhino because first the rhino is my favorite animal and secondly the rhino is a representation of power.
The one animal that I would be is a rhino. If I could combine my body with parts of two or three animals I would have the giant wings of a bald eagle, and the horned snout of a rhino. The reason why I would choice the wings of the bald eagle would be because I first feel as if the bald eagle is one animal that is intimate to me because not only does it represent freedom, which something I also want to display, but also I'm also an Eagle Scout and so it would be an outward display of who I am in the inside. I would chose the horned snout of a rhino because first the rhino is my favorite animal and secondly the rhino is a representation of power.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Shamanic Ritual Part 1
Describe the feelings you experience on waking from a strange dream. What was the dream? What made it feel strange? How did you feel upon waking up?
The feeling that I experience when waking from a strange dream is one of not knowing what is reality and just a figment of my imagination. I have this brief moment where I wake and try and figure out where I am and how that position in which I am fits into the reality of my life. I also try and process if I'm still in the vivid dream or have awakened. At this point I am confused as I try and decipher the dream that I just had and how on earth I could or dreamt something with such randomness. These feeling can actually describe a dream I had in which I had dreamt that I had watched a big piece of raw chicken rapidly rot and become totally covered black. I don't why but this happened several nights and it was the same dream. Now this was when I was smaller but it scared me for some unknown reason. What made this whole dream strange was that it was a piece of raw rapidly rotting chicken that scared me. I did wake up a little panicked and scared. I also felt all those things that I had talked about at the beginning of the paragraph.
The feeling that I experience when waking from a strange dream is one of not knowing what is reality and just a figment of my imagination. I have this brief moment where I wake and try and figure out where I am and how that position in which I am fits into the reality of my life. I also try and process if I'm still in the vivid dream or have awakened. At this point I am confused as I try and decipher the dream that I just had and how on earth I could or dreamt something with such randomness. These feeling can actually describe a dream I had in which I had dreamt that I had watched a big piece of raw chicken rapidly rot and become totally covered black. I don't why but this happened several nights and it was the same dream. Now this was when I was smaller but it scared me for some unknown reason. What made this whole dream strange was that it was a piece of raw rapidly rotting chicken that scared me. I did wake up a little panicked and scared. I also felt all those things that I had talked about at the beginning of the paragraph.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Architecture and Sacred Space Part 1
The following questions were answered using the images of the Parthenon, Chartres Cathedral, and Lakshmana Temple.
Are there architectural characteristics that they share?
Yes in fact there are some things that they all share. For instance the building are build more imposing than the infrastructure around them in size and also attention to detail and luxuries that come with this sacred places are pretty similar. They are all raised up higher than the landscape around them since they are built on a platform. Another similarity would be the changes in light. These places were built in such a way that when you walk in the building minimizes the amount of sunlight that comes through. Lastly all of the buildings have a designated grand entry way to get into the sacred building.
What differentiates and separates these structures from non-sacred space and ordinary structures?
What separates these buildings from non-scared buildings is that non-sacred buildings don't house or have the equipment to praise the gods. The gods don't dwell in the house of a common place only in the grand temples that are worthy of the gods. Another thing to consider is that the very central idea about each of these temples is that they are build for the gods. On the other hand the common people have buildings for secular reasons. Lastly would be the infrastructure. As explained in paragraph one the buildings were very imposing to the environment around them and also the attention to detail was absolutely superb, which is not seen in in the common places.
Are there architectural characteristics that they share?
Yes in fact there are some things that they all share. For instance the building are build more imposing than the infrastructure around them in size and also attention to detail and luxuries that come with this sacred places are pretty similar. They are all raised up higher than the landscape around them since they are built on a platform. Another similarity would be the changes in light. These places were built in such a way that when you walk in the building minimizes the amount of sunlight that comes through. Lastly all of the buildings have a designated grand entry way to get into the sacred building.
What differentiates and separates these structures from non-sacred space and ordinary structures?
What separates these buildings from non-scared buildings is that non-sacred buildings don't house or have the equipment to praise the gods. The gods don't dwell in the house of a common place only in the grand temples that are worthy of the gods. Another thing to consider is that the very central idea about each of these temples is that they are build for the gods. On the other hand the common people have buildings for secular reasons. Lastly would be the infrastructure. As explained in paragraph one the buildings were very imposing to the environment around them and also the attention to detail was absolutely superb, which is not seen in in the common places.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Cloth and Cloth Making as Metaphors for Status and Community
1. Describe a time when you were part of a group effort, working to accomplish a common goal. Is the end result the only thing that gave it meaning? What are your memories about working together?
A time that I was apart of a group effort was when I was doing a team building exercise in the Boy Scouts. The objective was to get the entire crew over a 12 foot wall without any hand holds. The end result is not the only thing that gave the exercise meaning. The whole purpose of the excise was to get the crew closer to each other and to know that we can trust each other. Another meaning that came out of the exercise was to learn communication, and problem skills. What I remember about working together was that at first we were excited but had no idea what to do. As time went on we became to increase our skill until we got to performing and accomplished our goal. And when we finally accomplished our goal there was a rush of joy and enthusiasm. After all of it we were closer as trust was build up.
2. What does it mean to "roll out the red carpet"? What does it imply about the ones doing the rolling and the ones it is rolled out for?
What it means to roll out the red carpet is to really make it all very fancy, nice, and sophisticated. Really it just means putting on the best for an event. For the ones doing the rolling of the carpet it implies that they have a servants heart and are making a hard effort to do their best for that event. This implies that they are giving it their all to make an event a success. For the ones that are getting the red carpet rolled out for them this implies that they are the honored guest that have worked hard to earn this privilege. They are the high and honored people that so many people have sacrificed for them.
A time that I was apart of a group effort was when I was doing a team building exercise in the Boy Scouts. The objective was to get the entire crew over a 12 foot wall without any hand holds. The end result is not the only thing that gave the exercise meaning. The whole purpose of the excise was to get the crew closer to each other and to know that we can trust each other. Another meaning that came out of the exercise was to learn communication, and problem skills. What I remember about working together was that at first we were excited but had no idea what to do. As time went on we became to increase our skill until we got to performing and accomplished our goal. And when we finally accomplished our goal there was a rush of joy and enthusiasm. After all of it we were closer as trust was build up.
2. What does it mean to "roll out the red carpet"? What does it imply about the ones doing the rolling and the ones it is rolled out for?
What it means to roll out the red carpet is to really make it all very fancy, nice, and sophisticated. Really it just means putting on the best for an event. For the ones doing the rolling of the carpet it implies that they have a servants heart and are making a hard effort to do their best for that event. This implies that they are giving it their all to make an event a success. For the ones that are getting the red carpet rolled out for them this implies that they are the honored guest that have worked hard to earn this privilege. They are the high and honored people that so many people have sacrificed for them.
Death and Memory Part 2
Describe your experiences wearing masks.
One experience that I had wearing a mask was when I was young I really loved to play army and so one day when I was playing army I put on an army helmet and painted my face with green and brown paint. When playing army most of the time I would go on these adventures all by myself, but other times I would get my friends to come and play with me. I think playing army as a kid is one reason why I revere our troops so much.
Why did you choose a certain mask?
The reason why I chose this certain mask was first because of my love at an early age for the military and also because of what I saw army men depicted as in real life influenced the make up of my mask.
How did you feel wearing it?
The way I felt wearing the mask would be described as powerful, patriotic, invincible, and courageous. I felt this way because I imagined myself being like some of my heroes and having the honor and pride that comes when serving our country in this way.
How did others respond to you when you wore it?
When others saw me, like my mom, they responded with amusement that here was another little boy playing army with sticks for guns. My friends would respond to me like we were actually in the army and I was leading them into battle. We were on a mission to save someone or do something heroic.
How did you behave to assume the mask's identity?
The way that I behaved to assume the identity of the mask was to act tough and be brave. In my make believe world with my friends there was nothing that could stop me from reaching my objective and I would go through any danger to see it through. I also acted like I had a big ego because I was apart of the army.
One experience that I had wearing a mask was when I was young I really loved to play army and so one day when I was playing army I put on an army helmet and painted my face with green and brown paint. When playing army most of the time I would go on these adventures all by myself, but other times I would get my friends to come and play with me. I think playing army as a kid is one reason why I revere our troops so much.
Why did you choose a certain mask?
The reason why I chose this certain mask was first because of my love at an early age for the military and also because of what I saw army men depicted as in real life influenced the make up of my mask.
How did you feel wearing it?
The way I felt wearing the mask would be described as powerful, patriotic, invincible, and courageous. I felt this way because I imagined myself being like some of my heroes and having the honor and pride that comes when serving our country in this way.
How did others respond to you when you wore it?
When others saw me, like my mom, they responded with amusement that here was another little boy playing army with sticks for guns. My friends would respond to me like we were actually in the army and I was leading them into battle. We were on a mission to save someone or do something heroic.
How did you behave to assume the mask's identity?
The way that I behaved to assume the identity of the mask was to act tough and be brave. In my make believe world with my friends there was nothing that could stop me from reaching my objective and I would go through any danger to see it through. I also acted like I had a big ego because I was apart of the army.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Death and Memory
1.How do you and your family commemorate loved ones who have died?
The way that my family commemorates loved ones that have passed is to just continue on the memory of them. We don't believe that somehow they're still around or alive so we don't pray to them as would for instances certain cultures in Africa. The way that we keep there memory alive is to have pictures around the house so that whenever we pass by the picture the memory of them is continually engraved in our mind. Another way that we keep these people alive in our hearts would be talking about them and reflect back about their life. lastly we commemorate our loved ones by thanking God that they are in a better place. How far we go back in our family tree of deceased family members would be only those that we personally know and had a relationship with. To those that died before we could ever get to know them there memory is lost from or not even recognized.
The way that my family commemorates loved ones that have passed is to just continue on the memory of them. We don't believe that somehow they're still around or alive so we don't pray to them as would for instances certain cultures in Africa. The way that we keep there memory alive is to have pictures around the house so that whenever we pass by the picture the memory of them is continually engraved in our mind. Another way that we keep these people alive in our hearts would be talking about them and reflect back about their life. lastly we commemorate our loved ones by thanking God that they are in a better place. How far we go back in our family tree of deceased family members would be only those that we personally know and had a relationship with. To those that died before we could ever get to know them there memory is lost from or not even recognized.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Fear and Protectiveness
1. Describe a time when you experienced fear and wanted someone to protect you. Explain the feelings you had.
A time that I experienced fear was when I was in the backcountry of New Mexico. In New Mexico I help teach a National Leadership course called National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience for the Boy Scouts. During the course we have an outpost night where we go out in the backcountry for a night. During this time there was a freak thunder storm. And some lighting struck down not to far from us. Before the lighting struck I really didn't take the thunderstorm as seriously because I've been through worse. But when a lighting bolt struck down really close to us I got really scared. I started taking all the metal off my body and throwing it far away from me. At that point I wanted some God protection. This was inspired because I realized how vulnerable we are. Are human bodies in the wilderness are so vulnerable.
2. Describe a time when you felt protective of someone or something. Explain those feelings
To describe a specific time that I'm protective of my younger siblings would be many to chose from. I hold my younger siblings with high regard and I make sure that if there is something I can do to prevent them from harm then I will do it. I have taken it upon myself to stand out and protect my siblings as I see it as an obligation and duty as family and a older brother. So instead of describing one specific time I will combine all of them to say that I do every single moment of my life I am on call to protect my siblings. It isn't just one specific time. Because if I protected them at a specific time then there would be a time that I didn't protect them. Overall the feelings that I feel as a result of protecting my sibling was that of great pride and love because I do love them and that is why I take it so seriously to protect them.
A time that I experienced fear was when I was in the backcountry of New Mexico. In New Mexico I help teach a National Leadership course called National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience for the Boy Scouts. During the course we have an outpost night where we go out in the backcountry for a night. During this time there was a freak thunder storm. And some lighting struck down not to far from us. Before the lighting struck I really didn't take the thunderstorm as seriously because I've been through worse. But when a lighting bolt struck down really close to us I got really scared. I started taking all the metal off my body and throwing it far away from me. At that point I wanted some God protection. This was inspired because I realized how vulnerable we are. Are human bodies in the wilderness are so vulnerable.
2. Describe a time when you felt protective of someone or something. Explain those feelings
To describe a specific time that I'm protective of my younger siblings would be many to chose from. I hold my younger siblings with high regard and I make sure that if there is something I can do to prevent them from harm then I will do it. I have taken it upon myself to stand out and protect my siblings as I see it as an obligation and duty as family and a older brother. So instead of describing one specific time I will combine all of them to say that I do every single moment of my life I am on call to protect my siblings. It isn't just one specific time. Because if I protected them at a specific time then there would be a time that I didn't protect them. Overall the feelings that I feel as a result of protecting my sibling was that of great pride and love because I do love them and that is why I take it so seriously to protect them.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
1. Describe a time when you were lost and how it felt?
A time that I was lost was when I was hiking in the back country in New Mexico. The map that my crew had been given didn't include all of the smaller trails on it. And so because of this we ended up taking a right turn to soon resulting in going down the wrong trail. Since we were lost we had to take a bearing and orient ourselves back unto the right trail. That experience made me feel disappointed in myself because I had gotten lost. I know the backcountry and I was mad with myself that my skills would not catch this and get lost.
2. Write the precise step by step directions from East High School to H.E.B. plus
From Victoria East High School I would get on the loop(Zac Lentz Pkwy) and head down the highway and turn left onto Salem St. After this I would pass over John Stockburger and reach Guy Grant St. later on. I would turn left unto Guy Grant and head down the street and then turn left into H.E.B. plus.
3. Do the same process as #2, but you cannot use street names. How would you describe to get there?
As I leave the Victoria East High School parking lot I would take a right turn heading north. I would continue down this road till it T'd off. After this I would head left to Northwest. Whenever I would see McCoy's I would head down that road which is just to the left of the building. I would continue down past Parkway Church on my left and car dealer on my right. On the other far corners near the intersection would be a Stripes and Bank. I would crossover the intersection and keep heading down till O would see Orr financing in the left and Chandler Elementary in the top right. I would head right down this road just right to the elementary school and then would turn left into H.E.B. plus on the road right after Chandler elementary.
A time that I was lost was when I was hiking in the back country in New Mexico. The map that my crew had been given didn't include all of the smaller trails on it. And so because of this we ended up taking a right turn to soon resulting in going down the wrong trail. Since we were lost we had to take a bearing and orient ourselves back unto the right trail. That experience made me feel disappointed in myself because I had gotten lost. I know the backcountry and I was mad with myself that my skills would not catch this and get lost.
2. Write the precise step by step directions from East High School to H.E.B. plus
From Victoria East High School I would get on the loop(Zac Lentz Pkwy) and head down the highway and turn left onto Salem St. After this I would pass over John Stockburger and reach Guy Grant St. later on. I would turn left unto Guy Grant and head down the street and then turn left into H.E.B. plus.
3. Do the same process as #2, but you cannot use street names. How would you describe to get there?
As I leave the Victoria East High School parking lot I would take a right turn heading north. I would continue down this road till it T'd off. After this I would head left to Northwest. Whenever I would see McCoy's I would head down that road which is just to the left of the building. I would continue down past Parkway Church on my left and car dealer on my right. On the other far corners near the intersection would be a Stripes and Bank. I would crossover the intersection and keep heading down till O would see Orr financing in the left and Chandler Elementary in the top right. I would head right down this road just right to the elementary school and then would turn left into H.E.B. plus on the road right after Chandler elementary.
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