Using the image attached (image.jpg) speculate about the subject matter, then compare it to the statue of Lady Justice (see attached).
If I were to speculate about the subject matter of the attached image which is the Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer from the Book of the Dead I would say this is about the final judgment of a person's soul. What is being depicted is a person's soul or heart is put into a soul and is weighted on the scale against the feather of truth. If the heart or soul weighs more than the feather than the person's soul will be eaten by the crocodile dog looking animal. The people at top that are sitting down are waiting for their turn to get judged. The guy in white with the crook and frail is the god of the dead and his name starts with an "O" and he is over seeing the entire judging.
If you compare this image of the Last Judgment to the statue of Lady Justice you will see a parallel. Inside of the Lady holding the scales which will measure a soul vs. a feather she is holding the scales which measure someone's doings with that of the law of the land. The Lady Justice and the Last Judgment are depicting the exact same concept but in a different cultural setting and place. They both depict someone's actions being judged. And that final judgment will result in a consequence of some sort or freedom.
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