Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Enlightenment and the Belief in Progress

Do you believe in Progress? Is the world getting better? Explain.

Progress is moving forward toward a destination. To ask a question about if I believe in Progress is a massive question that encompasses a lot of subjects. Progress in its broadest definition of moving forward toward a destination is someone I do uphold. We as intelligent humans are not meant to just stay stagnant in the present level of achievement, knowledge, or endeavors. We are definitely destined to keep pushing forward conquering and making this world a better place. This type of progress I most certainly believe in. Now there is an important question about what direction are we headed? One type of Progress that I certainly don’t believe in would be the current transcending social culture away from a religious oriented moralistic society. It pains me to see this “progress” that is carrying us away from Godly principles.

   Not all Progress is headed for destruction; I do believe that the world is getting gradually better as it is passed on to each new generation. When we examine what the past was like and how there was a lack of knowledge, medical care, technology, civil right, civil liberties, etc. that overall contributed to a harder life. With the progress we have made up to this moment and what we will continue to accomplish is exciting and comforting to know that the next generation will be able to inherit an earth that is better than the one we got.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Counter-Reformation Architecture

Sketch Il Gesu's plan. Compare it with the plans of Santa Sabina and St. Sernin. What are the reasons for the architectural differences?
   The Santa Sabina and the Church of Gesu are the same and different in many ways. For instance They are the same because they are both basilicas. They are different because the isles for the Santa Sabina are actual two long corridors, while the Church of Gesu has many small chapels that line the central nave. The Santa Sabina domes not have a dome while the Church of Gesu does have a dome at the very end supported by arched leaning pillars. Another difference would include the knowledge that the Santa Sabina has a mosaic at the very end where the alter is. On the other hand the Church of Gesu has a painted fresco and a bronze sculpture of the sun at the end. Also the Church of Gesu has painted fresco on the top of the ceiling that looks as if it is billowing out. On the other hand the Santa Sabina doesn’t have any of this. To conclude this comparison with a similarity, they both have windows that line the higher wall next to the nave which runs all the way down to the alter.  
   Now for the comparison between St. Sernin and the Church of Gesu. I will not mention all of the Church of Gesu’s architectural components because of the fact that I mentioned them in the latter paragraph. One of the main differences between the two churches is that St. Sernin is built in the shape of a cross while the Church of Gesu is just in a long basilica. Furthermore, St. Sernin has a very pointed and long steeple on top of their church while the other is just a rounded dome. Another difference would be the front outside façade. Here the St. Sernin has a blockish looking front that is pretty much plain with a giant circular window and two front doors. The Church of Gesu on the other hand is a two terred building with which looks like a second story. On this second story are two separate windows and center door that leads out unto a small balcony. On the ground there is a center big door with two smaller doors off to the sides spread evenly apart. Both have a bronze looking sculpture at the front of the church but the Church of Gesu has a circular sun beam and the other has an angel. St. Sernin has a ribbed vaulted ceiling while the other has a rounded ceiling.
   One reason for all these differences in the building architecture is the different architects that built them. This is significant because each of these builders is unique in their styles because of different influences in schooling and different creative minds. For example the Santa Sabina was built by Peter of Illyria, a Dalmatian priest in between 422 and 432. St. Sernin was constructed in the Romanesque style between about 1080 and 1120 so it definitely had to be by a different guy. The Church of Gesu was made by Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola and Giacomo della Porta and completed in 1580. And so all these different dates and different people prove that there was different cultural ideas floating around at each of their times on what made good architecture. Simply put, the reason for the differences is because of the different cultural times in which they lived.

Plans of the Church of Gesu

Sunday, January 22, 2017


   I don't know about it being one of the best pictures, but this is one of my senior pictures that I thought turned out pretty good. I think that this picture turned out pretty good because this was the first I ever took a picture showing my teeth. I've had braces for a while so I never really smiled showing my teeth and before that I was insecure about how my teeth looked. Ever since I got my braces off it has increased my confidence I now I smile with my teeth showing. Looking at this image makes me look like a vibrant confident youth. I personally love those colors and I think they look good on me.
   If I were to have my picture publicly then I would pose in a power position and have the shot capture my entire body and not just my torso up. I would be sure to be dressed up in a suit and maybe have an American flag and Texas flag in the background. The expression on my face would be one of joy and confidence. My hands would probably hold some important documents like a Bible and the United States Constitution. The type of setting that I would chose would be either the U.S. Capitol, White House, or take the picture up on the top of a mountain over looking the world. The objects that I would want near me would include our nation's governing documents like The Constitution or Declaration of Independence. I also would like to have anything that was very influential in making our dear country. I do have a picture that I took and would have put up on the website but it was granny. In the picture I am holding a Texas flag that flew over the Texas Capitol and I also have an American Flag that flew over the US Capitol. And so in this picture that would spread around publicly I would like to hold both the US and Texas flag. The question about "Who do you want to be?" is a loaded question. But to put it simply I want to be a person that goes down in history as someone who sought to reinforce our constitution and freedoms fought by many patriots before me and took actions to help out our nation for the better. And so when people look at this picture I want them to reminder of all the good things that I did.