Friday, December 16, 2016

Museum Visted for Second Nine Weeks

Because there was no photography allowed and there was no brochure that had an extensive amount of photos in it there will be no pictures that I took of the artwork that I have chosen to talk about. But I did However did get to retrieve some images of his painting from His website

1st Artwork

Walt Davis
Watercolor on paper
30X22 in
Lunessence by Walter Davis Watercolor ~ 30 inches x 22 inches

   Of course seeing this painting on a picture is nothing like going in to the museum to see it for yourself. By the way this painting is being sold for $975. When I first caught a glimpse of this painting out of the corner of my eye it actually caused my head to spin around to see it more clearly. This picture doesn't illuminate it, but the central moth is so brightly painted that the light is actually coming from the painting and causing the insects around it to also be shown. The moth is so bright that you can even see some of the light being thrown on top of the mosquito, and the part of the  mosquito's that isn't facing the light is in darkness.
   When I saw this painting I was overcome by its beauty and just fell in love with it. There is no story behind this painting but the painter, Walt Davis, did paint insects because he is a biologist that specializes in insects. So it is interesting how he took his career and love of painting and combined them together.

2nd Artwork

Katy-did, Katy didn't
Walt Davis
Watercolor on Paper
22X30 in
Katy-did, Katy-didn't by Walter Davis Watercolor ~ 22 inches x 30 inches

   What is going on in this painting is a just a katydid with its legs curled up and the antennas waving away from the insect. Oh and this painting is also $975.
   What really interested me about his piece was the attention to the detail in the insect. I mean the barbs on the insects legs are carefully counted and attended to. The antennas on the insect display the obscure segments that connect the antae as a whole. Also the physical structure of the insect and how its body precisely looks like. When I view this image it's as also if we are looking under a microscope. Another thing that I noticed is the how the image was drawn. Most people have a horror to insect because they look so disgusting. But here that is not true. This insect is not disgusting but is also magnificent in its brightly painted fashion. It definitely presents the image to be viewed at a different perspective. And that is why I really liked this watercolor painting.
   This painting made me feel an openness to the idea that anything can have beauty. Even though people may view these bugs in real life as disgusting, we can still see them as beautiful. There is no story behind the painting as I stated in the other painting that the guy is a biologist.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture

Pilgrimage Routes and the Cult of the Relic (NOTE: Read this before completing blog.) https://www.kha​​manities/mediev​al-world/latin-​western-europe/​romanesque1/a/p​ilgrimage-route​s-and-the-cult-​of-the-relic
Blog: Describe a journey you have taken or would like to take to a place that is especially meaningful to you. Why is it meaningful?

A place that I would love to go that is especially meaningful to me is Ireland. This place is meaningful to me because my family from my grandfather back was born and raised in Ireland. My heritage comes from these lands and I would love to travel them. I would travel along the southern country of Ireland because this is where my family lived and died. Some of the places I would go include Cork, Kenmare, Dublin, and the Blarney Castle. The Blarney Castle is a particular spot I would like to go to because this is where my family ruled and even died in blood shed to maintain their power and territory. 

Virtual Tour

Five questions about the Virtual Tour.

What is the rank for this place as for most holiest site for Muslims?(EX:1,2,3,4,5)

Between AD 622 and AD 624 which direction did Muslims pray toward?

What do the doors of the mosque align with?

What is the Ablution fountain used for?

How many major world religions are represented in Jerusalem and at the Dome of the Rock?

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Traditional vs. Digital

Discuss how the innovation of binding books altered the practice of reading. Did you learn to read using books or computer screens? Which format do you use most often now? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each format. Do you think children of the future will learn to read from books? Explain your rationale.

   The innovation of book binding has altered the practice of reading. Reading first started out with the Samaritans in the Mesopotamian valley. This cuneiform started out on rocks and so people would have to go look at a rock to read. Then as time elapsed there came the papyrus paper from ancient Egypt. This paper has the papyrus papers smashed tighter. This altered the reading from the cuneiform in Mesopotamia as people could now easily transport messages and write it more easily. This paper was written out along long scrolls to relay information. Now we have a book binding method that compiles the information in a compact and sequential order found in the pages.
   The way that I learned was in a plethora of different methods. This did include reading books and using computers to enhance my learning. But it didn't stop there as I also learned from tactile, auditoria, and kinesthetically.
   The format in which I most often use is reading textbooks, essays, and other documents. Reading does have the advantage of taking in a extensive amount of information, but there is one problem and that is retention. You can read all you want but the problem is that there has got to be a way to retain the information we read, and I believe that other methods such as kinesthetic and visuals means of learning are more effective in retaining information. Though kinesthetic and visual methods of learning can't convey the extensive amount of information as reading can, but they do allow more retention. Auditoria is another way to learn and changes up the common, but as we know in one ear and out the other is the norm.
   I do believe children will continue to learn from reading books because for instance learning and experiences the deep complex emotions and thoughts in classical literature is something so invigorating and can't be completely understood and experienced if we don't read.